Wedding Weekend Jan 10th 2009. Forter Castle, Glenisla, Scotland.
And so it was, on a very special winter weekend in the highlands of Scotland that the wind whistled over the mountain, dancing and stirring itself into a frenzy, before spinning its way down the glen. The castle stood tall, lean and proud; defiantly strong, it was the only obstacle in the wind’s southerly course. The fighting wind and the stalwart castle would tussle out their battle between them, the castle being, as always, silently confident of its victory.
This contest outside went entirely unnoticed by the happy residents inside the castle, because something was stirring within. An eclectic assortment of the closest of friends and family were gathered to celebrate. To celebrate love, to celebrate friendship, to celebrate happiness, to celebrate being, to celebrate hearts, spirits and passions.
And they dined and they drank, they toasted and they roasted by the big roaring fire. They chattered and nattered, they hugged and kissed and they ate and ate and ate. They danced the gay gordon, and the hokey-kokey, and plenty of moves that flummoxed their feet. The girls preened and the boys pruned the beer stack. There was laughing and smiling, giggles and titters, tears and snuffles and wells of emotion. A mass of memories collected in a flash and stored for a rainy day.
As the bright stars twinkled their way through the dark night sky, the storm died down and the castle won its battle. The happy troop of friends and family gave their warmest blessing to the bond, and blessed was the feeling of the very happy couple, for the parade of such extraordinary people that were entwined in their lives.
A special place, a special weekend and a very special wedding.
A Scottish adventure…..