Monday, 18 January 2010

The Headless Snowmen

Snow. Chaos. Snow-day. Smiles. Snowman.
Pretty much in that order.

It’s almost nice to get back to some kind of normality after the chaotic snow-filled week; but maybe we’re secretly mourning as the excitement and drama drips away, slowly and steadily with the melting snow.

From giddy cries

"yeah, we’ve got 5 inches here, at least”
“The roads are like ice rinks”
“The salt is running OUT”
“It took me 4 hours to get here”

to deflated sighs

“nothing to report here”

But it is the headless snowmen that I feel the most sorry for; with round little bodies and poker straight arms. Their smashed heads laying in a crumpled heap on the floor at their feet; knocked off by youthful desire for destruction.

The poor headless snowmen are bound to the ground by invisible snow glue, and sentenced to a long and undignified demise.
Until the next snow-day….